Cebu Pacific Airlines Promo Flights

Available promo flights online from popular airlines with occasional travel tips.

Flight Tips

New Flight Safety Tips Video from Virgin America

Just saw this new catchy flight safety tips of Virgin America and it is not only for your safety but surely it will catch your attention from the danceable steps of the crew/dancers. Cebu Pacific if not the first, then one of the early airline companies who uses dancing to catch the passengers attention when […]

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Rainy season travel tips

Here comes the rain again…falling in my head like a memory…falling in my head like a new emotion… Well, The Eurythmics were right, new emotion and most of it are the enraged emotion of the trapped passengers for a cancelled flight.

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Ladies and Gentlemen…All Flights are Cancelled due to Heavy Rains

Many can’t understand why an airline need to cancel flights when heavy rains occur. They will keep on insisting to go the the airport and be furious once their flights will be cancelled.

Guide tips in travelling alone

Nowadays, most travelers are the younger generations and most of them wants to travel alone for an adventure of a lifetime. It is not only your adventure that you need to think of but your safety travelling alone.


Video Tip : Aircraft Lavatory (Fixtures and use)

Using an airplane lavatory means hygiene and cleanliness. For the meticulous passengers, this is something to fear after someone uses it. But with first time flyers, this is quite an adventure.

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