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Guide tips in travelling alone

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Nowadays, most travelers are the younger generations and most of them wants to travel alone for an adventure of a lifetime.

It is not only your adventure that you need to think of but your safety travelling alone.

Here are some safety guides to help you keep safe all the time.

  • Know more of the customs, culture of the place you are going to.  Specially to women, they must have knowledge of the current issues concerning women’s rights if there is such issue about harassment.
  • If asking for a direction or taking the public transportation, listen carefully specially if the people in that place can only speak little or not of the English language.  Map is an important gadget you can have in this case.  If you can talk to the locals before leaving  your place about how to go to some place, you can do so in a friendly manner.  Befriend the people around you.  You will know something about the safety of the place you’re in.
  • Always be connected.  Before you leave the place of your origin, make sure your mobile phone is in roaming mode.  Or if you forgot to do it, make sure to buy an international sim card once you get off the plane.  You can purchase sim in most of the airports.  As soon as you reach your hotel, text, Skype, email or call your relatives to let them know that you arrived safe.
  • Email your relatives your travel agenda.  If you can, you might want to leave your agenda too to the hotel concierge or your innkeeper.
  • Always carry a copy of your passport in your bags, belt bags, purse and keep your original passport in your hotel room’s safe.
  • Always bring small amount of cash in your wallet or purse.  Put additional cash in your pockets.
  • Keep your credit cards safe.  If its not so hassle to you, you can put your credit cards inside the pocket of your bags and safer if its in your belt bags.
  • Never leave without hand sanitizer, a small towel and tissue.  Most of the public toilets specially in Asia have no tissue paper.
  • Never leave without water that you are used to drink.  Bottled water is a must.
  • Inside your hotel room, take extra precaution by adding more security to your door.  Never answer your door if you are not expecting anyone or called the hotel desk for any request.
  • Be careful with the gadgets you are using when travelling.  It’s something most of the snatchers are eyeing nowadays.  If you can, use these gadgets to places you are comfortable at, people you think you can trust.  Do not take long in snapping pictures or filming.  If you will use your cellphones, enter an establishment or make a quick call.
  • Always be ready and common sense is one important tool you must let it work.  Being smart may work on your side but having common sense will lead you safe and can manage even the hardest task travelling alone.



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