Cebu Pacific Airlines Promo Flights

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Is Air Sickness a disease?

Air Sickness is not a disease. Normal people can also feel this or in a more layman’s term motion sickness.

It usually causes disorientation, nausea and vomiting.

It does not attack a passenger that quick. Signs and symptoms show before feeling this. Nausea, vomiting, vertigo, cold sweating, drowsiness, headache are some of its symptoms.

Here are some tips to avoid air or motion sickness.

  1. Watch your foods, drinks, and alcohol consumption before and during travel. Avoid the food and drinks that are more likely can upset your stomach. Spicy and fatty foods is bad people who has motion sickness.
  2. Avoiding strong food odors can also prevent nausea.
  3. In an airplane, choose the middle seat over the wing area. That area of a plane is likely the calmest.
  4. Do not read while traveling.
  5. Stay away from people who are also suffering from motion sickness. Seeing and hearing them about it may sometime make you feel ill too.
  6. Over-the-counter medicine like Dramamine can help you for mild cases of motion sickness.  But be careful of choosing your medicine. Medicine with scopolamine should be prescribed by your doctor. If taken without prescription can cause drowsiness and other side effects.

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